37 Best Quranic Verses about Jesus (A.S) Birth, Death & Coming back

Quranic verses about Jesus

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Within the sacred verses of the Quran, an intricate narrative emerges, revealing the core of Jesus’s (PBUH) esteemed position in Islamic tradition. This inquiry transcends the superficial, delving into the human aspects embedded in Quranic verses that shed light on the life, teachings, and divine importance of Jesus.

Embarking on this journey, we navigate through carefully chosen verses, each a brushstroke contributing to the vibrant portrait of Jesus (PBUH) in Islam. This article seeks not only to inform but to engage, inviting readers to connect with the wisdom embedded in these Quranic verses about Jesus( ISA PBUH) and to appreciate the nuanced understanding they offer of Jesus (PBUH) within the Islamic framework. Join us as we unravel the tapestry of divine revelation, exploring the timeless echoes of respect and admiration for Jesus in the verses of the Quran.

Exploring the Covenant with Children of Israel(A.S):

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Indeed, We gave Musa the Book,
and after him We sent messengers, one
following the other; and We gave clear
signs to Isa, the son of Maryam (Jesus,
the son of Mary), and supported him
with the Holy Spirit. Then, how is it
that every time a prophet came to you
with what does not meet your desires,
you grew arrogant? So, you gave the
lie to a group (of the messengers) and
killed others.

Affirmation of Faith and Recognition:

Jesus in quran
Say (O, Muslims): “We believe in
Allah, and in what has been revealed
to us, and in what has been revealed to
Ibrahim, Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq
(Isaac), Yaqub and his children, and in
what has been given to Musa and Isa
(Jesus) and what has been given to the
prophets from their Lord: We make no
difference between any of them, and to
Him we submit ourselves.”

Favors of Allah and the Prophets, including Jesus(PBUH):

Quranic Verses about Jesus
Those are the messengers some
of whom We have given excellence
over some others. Among them there
are ones to whom Allah spoke
(directly) and He raised some of them
steps higher (in other respects), and
We gave clear signs to Isa (Jesus), the
son of Maryam (Mary) and supported
him with the Holy Spirit. If Allah so
willed, those succeeding him would
have not fought against each other
after clear signs had come to them. But
they disagreed among themselves. So,
there were some who believed and
there were some who disbelieved, and
if Allah so willed, they would have not
fought against each other. But Allah
does what He intends

Angel’s Announcement to Virgin Mary:

quranic verses about jesus
(Remember the time) when the
angels said: “O Maryam, Allah gives
you the good news of a Word from
Him whose name is MasiH Isa, the 
son of Maryam (the Messiah, Jesus,
son of Mary) a man of status in this
world and in the Hereafter, and one of
those who are near (to Allah).(3:45)

Isa’s(Jesus PBUH) Call for Allies in Allah’s Path:

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So, when Isa sensed disbelief in
them, he said: “Who are my helpers in
the way of Allah?” The disciples said:
“We are helpers of Allah. We believe
in Allah; so be our witness that we are

The Ascension of Jesus(Isa PBUH):

quranic verses about Jesus
When Allah said: “O Isa , I am to
take you in full and to raise you
towards Myself, and to cleanse you of
those who disbelieve, and to place
those who follow you above those who
disbelieve up to the Day of Doom.
Then to Me is your return, whereupon
I shall judge between you in that over
which you have differed.(3:55)

Jesus vs. Adam in the Eyes of Allah(SWT):

quranic verses about jesus
Surely, the case of Isa, in the sight
of Allah, is like the case of ‘Adam “
He created him from dust, then He
said to him, “Be”, and he came to be.

Embracing Divine Revelation from Ibrahim to Isa(Jesus a.s):

quranic verses about jesus
 Say, “We believe in Allah and in
what has been revealed to us and in
what was revealed to Ibrahim, Ismail,
IsHaq , Yaqub and the descendants,
and in what has been given to Musa,
Isa and the prophets, from their Lord:
We do not differentiate between any of
them; and to Him we submit

The Crucifixion Conundrum Of Jesus ( Isa PBUH):

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and for their saying, “We have
certainly killed the MasiH Isa the son
of Maryam, the Messenger of Allah”,
while in fact they did neither kill him,
nor crucify him, but they were deluded
by resemblance. Those who disputed
in this matter are certainly in doubt
about it. They have no knowledge of
it, but they follow whims. It is
absolutely certain that they did not kill

Allah’s All-Mighty and All-Wise Act with Jesus (PBUH)”

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but Allah lifted him towards
Himself. Allah is All-Mighty, All-

Quranic Verses About Jesus (A.S) second coming:

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No one will remain from among
the People of the Book but will
certainly believe in him before he dies,
and on the Day of Doom, he shall be a
witness against them.(4:159)

“Divine Revelation Across Generations: A Journey from Nuh to Isa(Jesus PBUH):

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Surely, We have revealed to you
as We have revealed to Nuh and to the
prophets after him; and We have
revealed to Ibrahim, Ismail, IsHaq,
Yaqub and their children, and to Isa,
Ayyub, Yunus, Harun and Sulaiman,
and We have given Zabur to Dawud “(4:163)

Jesus As A Messenger & A Word from Allah(SWT):

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O people of the Book, be not
excessive in your Faith, and do not say
about Allah anything but the truth.
The MasiH ‘Isa, the son of Maryam, isonly a Messenger of Allah, and His
Word that He had delivered to
Maryam, and a spirit from Him. So,
believe in Allah and His Messengers.
Do not say “Three”. Stop it. That is
good for you. Allah is the only One
God. He is far too pure to have a son.
To Him belongs what is in the heavens
and what is in the earth. And Allah is
enough to trust in.(4:171)

“The Messiah’s (Jesus PBUH) Devotion:

quranic Verses about jesus
The MasiH shall never spurn to
be a slave of Allah, nor shall the
angels who are stationed near to Him.
And whoever spurns to worship Him,
and shows arrogance,-then, He shall
gather all of them before Himself.(4:172)

Dissecting Claims of Jesus as God’s Son:

quranic verses about jesus
Certainly, infidels are those who
say, “God is the MasiH, son of
Maryam (Jesus son of Mary).” Say,
“Who then has the power to do
anything against Allah, if He wills to
eliminate the MasiH son of Maryam
and his mother and all those on earth?”
Unto Allah belongs the kingdom of the
heavens and the earth and what lies
between them. He creates what He
wills. Allah is powerful over

Quranic Verses About Jesus (PBUH) A Beacon of Light and Guidance:

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We sent Isa son of Maryam after
those prophets, confirming the Torah
that was (revealed) before him, and
We gave him the Injil having guidance
and light therein, and confirming the
Torah that was (revealed) before it; a
Guidance and a lesson for the God-fearing.(5:46)

Clarifying the MasiH(Jesus PBUH):

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Surely, disbelievers are those who
say, “Allah is the MasiH, son of
Maryam. while the MasiH had said,
“O children of Isra’il , worship Allah,
my Lord and your Lord.” In fact,
whoever ascribes any partner to
Allah, Allah has prohibited for him the
Jannah (the Paradise), and his shelter
is the Fire, and there will be no
supporters for the unjust.(5:72)

Jesus (PBUH) A Messenger with a Truthful Mother:

quranic Scholars
The MasiH, son of Maryam, is no
more than a Messenger. There have
been messengers before him. His
mother was very truthful. Both of
them used to eat food. Look how We
explain signs to them, then see how far
they are turned away.(5:75)

The Curse on Those Who Disbelieve:

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On those who disbelieve from
among the children of Isra’il , a curse
was pronounced by Dawud and Isa,
Son of Maryam. All this because they
disobeyed and used to cross the limits.(5:78)

Miracles of Jesus(PBUH) In Quran:

quranic Verses about Jesus
(Call to mind the time) when
Allah will say, “O Isa, son of Maryam,
remember My blessing upon you and
upon your mother; when I supported
you with the Holy Spirit. You spoke to
people while you were still in the
cradle and when you grew to middle
age. I taught you the Book and the
Wisdom, the Torah and the Injil. You
created from clay something in the
shape of a bird, then you blew on it,
and it became a bird by My leave. You
cured those born blind and lepers by
My leave. You raised the dead by My
leave. I kept the children of Isra’il
away from you when you came to
them with clear signs, and the
disbelievers among them said, “This is
nothing but a clear magic.”(5:110)

Disciples’ Plea: Seeking Divine Nourishment:

quranic verses jesus
When the disciples said, “O Isa,
son of Maryam, can your Lord send
down to us a repast from the
heavens?” He said, “Fear Allah if you
are believers.”(5:112)

Isa’s (Jesus PBUH) Supplication:

Jesus  Quran
Isa son of Maryam said, “O
Allah, our Lord, send down to us a
repast from heaven which may be a
happy occasion for us, for all our
generations present and future, and a
sign from You, and give us provisions.
You are the best Giver of Provisions.”(5:114)

Jesus (PBUH) Disclaiming Knowledge of False Worship:

Jesus in Quran

And when Allah said, “O Isa, son
of Maryam, did you say to the people:
Take me and my mother as gods
beside Allah?” He said, “Pure are You,
it does not behoove me to say what is
not right for me. Had I said it, You
would have known it. You know what
is in my heart, and I do not know what
is in Your’s. You alone have full
knowledge of all that is unseen.-

  1. I have not said to them anything
    but what You have ordered me to say,
    that is, Worship Allah, my Lord and
    your Lord’ and I was a witness over
    them as long as I was with them. But
    when You recalled me, You were the
    One watching over them. You are a
    witness over everything.(5:116-117)

Various Prophets, Including Jesus(PBUH):

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and (We guided) Zakariyya and
YaHya and Isa and Ilyas -each one of
them was of the righteous -(6:85)

 Incorrect Beliefs of Jews and Christians:

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They have taken their rabbis and
their monks as gods beside Allah, and
also (they have taken) MasiH the son
of Maryam (as god). And they were
not commanded but to worship only
One God. There is no god but He. Pure
is He from what they associate with

Infancy and Mission of Jesus(PBUH):

quarni verses about jesus
30. Spoke he (the baby), “Verily I am
the servant of Allah. He has given me
the Book, and made me a prophet,
31. and He has made me a blessed one
wherever I be, and has enjoined Salah
and Zakah upon me as long as I am
32. and (He has made me) good to my
mother, and he did not make me
oppressive (or) ill-fated.
33. And peace is upon me the day I
was born, the day I shall die, and the
day I shall be raised alive again.”
34. That is Isa, the son of Maryam, to
say the truth in which they (Christians)
are disputing.(19:30-34)

Jesus’ (PBUH)Call to Worship Allah (SWT):

jesus in quran
And (O Prophet, say to the
people,) “Allah is surely my Lord and
your Lord. So, worship Him. This is
the straight path.”(19:36)

Mary’s Purity And Divine Miracle: Isa’s Birth (Jesus PBUH):

jesus and Mary
And (remember) her who protected
her private part (that is, Maryam). So,
We blew in her (a life) through Our
Spirit, and made her and her son (Isa
X) a sign for all the worlds.(21:91)

Miraculous Refuge: Mary and Isa(Jesus PBUH)

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And We made the son of Maryam
(Mary) and his mother a sign, and
gave them shelter on a height, having a
place of rest and running springs(23:50)

Prophetic Covenant: The Truthful Ones, Including Isa (PBUH):

Jesus in Quran
And (recall) when We took from the
prophets their covenant, and from you
and from Nuh and Ibrahim and Musa
and Isa, the son of Maryam, and We
did take from them a firm covenant.(33:7)

Mention of Messengers, Including Jesus(PBUH):

Verses about Prophets
He has ordained for you people the
same religion as He had enjoined upon
Nuh, and that which We have revealed
to you (O prophet,) and that which We
had enjoined upon Ibrahim and Musa
and Isa by saying, “Establish the
religion, and be not divided therein.”
Arduous for the mushriks (polytheists)
is that to which you are inviting them.
Allah chooses (and pulls) toward
Himself anyone He wills, and guides
to Himself anyone who turns to Him
(to seek guidance).(42:13)

Jesus (PBUH)As A Sign For Mankind:

Jesus A sign
When the example of the son of
Maryam was cited, your people started
at once shouting at it (in joy),
58. and said, “Are Our gods better or
is he?” They did not cite it (the
example) but for the sake of
disputation. Rather, they are a
quarrelsome people.
59. He (Isa) is no more than a servant
(of Allah) whom We favoured and
made an example for the children of

Jesus’s Revelation(Isa’s PBUH): Illuminating the Path to the Hour:

Jesus in Quran
And he (Isa) is a source of
knowledge of the Hour (the Day of
Judgment); so do not be in doubt about
it, and follow me. This is the straight

Disbelievers’ Rejection of Prophets, Including Jesus:

Quranic verses about Jesus
When Isa came with clear proofs,
he said, “I have come to you with
wisdom, and to explain to you some of
those matters in which you differ. So,
fear Allah, and obey me.
64. Surely, it is Allah who is my Lord
and your Lord; so worship Him. This
is the straight way.”(43:63-64)

Prophetic Succession: From Messengers to Isa, Son of Maryam(PBUH):

quranic verses about jesus
Then We made Our messengers
follow them one after the other, then
We sent after them Isa, the son of
Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary), and
gave him the Injil, and placed
compassion and mercy in the hearts of
his followers. As for monasticism, it
was invented by them;We did not
ordain it for them, but (they adopted it)
to seek Allah’s pleasure, then could
not observe it as was due. So We gave
the believers from among them their
reward. And many of them are sinners.(57:27)

Jesus Predicting the Coming of Ahmad(PBUH):

Jesus and Muhammad PBUH
(Remember) when Isa, son of
Maryam, said, “O children of Isra’il, I
am a messenger of Allah sent towards
you, confirming the Torah that is (sent
down) before me, and giving you the
good news of a messenger who will
come after me, whose name will be
AHmad.” But when he came to them
with manifest signs, they said, “This is
a clear magic.”(61:6)

Victory For Believers & Disciples Of Jesus(PBUH):

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O you who believe, be supporters
of (the religion of) Allah, just as Isa,
son of Maryam, said to the Disciples,
“Who are my supporters towards
Allah?” The Disciples said, “We are
the supporters of (the religion of)
Allah.” So a group from the children
of Isra’il believed, and another group
disbelieved. Then We supported those
who believed against their enemy, and
they became victors.(61:14)

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