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"Journey Through the Night: Shab-e-Miraj 2024 - Incident, Misconceptions, and Insights."

When Is Shab-e-Miraj 2024?

Shab-e-Miraj, also known as The Night Journey in the Islamic faith, commences on the evening of February 7, 2024. This sacred event will be observed on the same day in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. In the Arab world, the observance of Shab-e-Miraj 2024 starts on the evening of February 7, 2024. Celebrated annually in the month of Rajab, Shab-e-Miraj falls on the Islamic date of Rajab 27. Also referred to as Lailat al-Miraj in the Arabic world, it holds significant spiritual importance.

Experience the divine journey on February 7, 2024, as Shab-e-Miraj unfolds its blessings across the Muslim community.


The Night of Ascension, known as Shab e Miraj, stands as a celestial jewel in the tapestry of Islamic history. This mystical journey undertaken by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ holds profound significance, transcending the boundaries between the earthly and divine realms. Let us embark on a journey to unravel the spiritual and historical importance of Shab e Miraj.

1.1 Significance of Shab e Miraj in Islamic History

The Night of Ascension is a momentous event, marking the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from Mecca to Jerusalem and through the heavens. Its significance lies not only in the physical journey but in the spiritual and theological realms. Shab e Miraj underscores the intimate connection between the Prophet ﷺ and Allah, a connection that transcends human comprehension.

This celestial odyssey serves as a testament to the elevated status of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the final messenger of Allah. It is a validation of his prophethood, emphasizing the divine selection of an individual to convey the divine message to humanity. The significance of Shab e Miraj is embedded in the affirmation of faith, marking a pivotal moment that solidifies the foundations of Islam.

1.2 Quranic Reference – Surah Al-Isra (17:1)

The Quranic reference to Shab e Miraj is found in Surah Al-Isra, verse 17:1:

“Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.”

This verse encapsulates the divine nature of the Night of Ascension, emphasizing the majestic journey of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the Farthest Mosque (Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem. The blessed surroundings and the divine signs witnessed during this night exemplify the extraordinary nature of Shab e Miraj.

In conclusion, Shab e Miraj is not merely a historical event but a spiritual revelation that resonates through generations. It is a night of divine communion, validating the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ and instilling in the hearts of believers a deep sense of awe and reverence. As we delve into the intricacies of this celestial journey, we uncover layers of meaning that enrich our understanding of Islam’s profound history and spirituality.

1.2 Hadith Reference:Shab e Miraj

Hazrat Qatadah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated from Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) that Malik bin Sasaa’ah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed him about the Night Journey, saying, “I was lying in Hattim or, in some narrations, in Hujr (of the Kaaba), and suddenly someone came and cut open my chest, took out my heart, and washed it with Zamzam water. Then a golden tray filled with belief and wisdom was brought, and it was poured into my chest. After that, my chest was closed and restored to its original state.

In another narration, it is mentioned: “Then my stomach was washed with the water of Zamzam, filled with belief and wisdom, and then sealed. After that, a small animal, smaller than a donkey but larger than a mule, of pure white color named Buraq was brought to me. It placed its step as far as its sight reached. I was made to mount it, and Gabriel (peace be upon him) took me, traveling through the heavens until we reached the sky of the world. Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened, and it was asked: ‘Who is there?’ He replied: ‘Gabriel.’ It was asked: ‘Who is with you?’ He replied: ‘Muhammad.’ It was asked: ‘Has he been called?’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ It was said: ‘Welcome to him, and what an excellent visitor he is!’ The gate was opened, and when I went over there, I saw Adam (peace be upon him). Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, ‘He is your father, greet him.’ So, I greeted him, and he returned the greeting,and he said, ‘Welcome, O my righteous son!’

Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) took me to the second heaven. He asked for the gate to be opened, and it was asked: ‘Who is there?’ He replied: ‘Gabriel.’ It was asked: ‘Who is with you?’ He replied: ‘Muhammad.’ It was asked: ‘Has he been called?’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ It was said: ‘Welcome to him, and what an excellent visitor he is!’ The gate was opened, and when I went over there, I saw John and Jesus (peace be upon them), who were maternal cousins. Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, ‘These are John and Jesus, greet them.’ So, I greeted them, and both returned the greetings,and they said, ‘Welcome, O our righteous brother!’

Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) took me to the third heaven and asked for the gate to be opened. It was asked: ‘Who is there?’ He replied: ‘Gabriel.’ It was asked: ‘Who is with you?’ He replied: ‘Muhammad.’ It was asked: ‘Has he been called?’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ It was said: ‘Welcome to him, and what an excellent visitor he is!’ The gate was opened, and when I went over there, I saw Joseph (peace be upon him). Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, ‘This is Joseph, greet him.’ So, I greeted him, and he returned the greetings,and he said, ‘Welcome, O our righteous brother!’

Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) took me to the fourth heaven and asked for the gate to be opened. It was asked: ‘Who is there?’ He replied: ‘Gabriel.’ It was asked: ‘Who is with you?’ He replied: ‘Muhammad.’ It was asked: ‘Has he been called?’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ It was said: ‘Welcome to him, and what an excellent visitor he is!’ The gate was opened, and when I went over there, I saw Idris (peace be upon him). Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, ‘This is Idris, greet him.’ So, I greeted him, and he returned the greetings,and he said, ‘Welcome, O our righteous brother!’

Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) took me to the fifth heaven and asked for the gate to be opened. It was asked: ‘Who is there?’ He replied: ‘Gabriel.’ It was asked: ‘Who is with you?’ He replied: ‘Muhammad.’ ‘ It was asked: ‘Has he been called?’ He replied: ‘Yes.’ It was said: ‘Welcome to him, and what an excellent visitor he is!’ The gate was opened, and when I went over there, I saw Haroon (peace be upon him). Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, ‘This is Haroon, greet him.’ So, I greeted him, and he returned the greetings.

Then they took me up until we reached the sixth heaven. Gabriel asked for the gate to be opened and was questioned: “Who is it?” He replied: “Gabriel.” He was asked: “Who is with you?” He said: “Muhammad (ﷺ).” He was asked: “Has he been sent for?” He replied: “Yes.” The gate was opened, and upon reaching there, Moses (peace be upon him) was present. Gabriel (peace be upon him) said, “This is Moses; greet him.” So, I greeted him, and he responded. Then Gabriel said, “Salih, this is the Prophet Muhammad; greet him.” So, Moses greeted me and said, “Welcome, O righteous brother and righteous Prophet!”

As I proceeded, they began to weep. When asked why, Moses replied, “I weep because a young man has been sent after me as a prophet, and his followers who will enter Paradise will outnumber mine.” Afterward, I was taken to the seventh heaven, where Ibrahim (Abraham) was present. Gabriel said, “This is your father, Ibrahim; greet him.” So, I greeted him, and he responded, “Welcome, O righteous son and righteous Prophet!”

Then I was taken to the Sidrat al-Muntaha, and its fruits were like jars made of gold, and its leaves were like the ears of elephants. It was explained to me that this is the Sidrat al-Muntaha. There were four rivers there, two hidden and two visible. I asked Gabriel, “What are these two hidden things?” He replied, “These are two rivers flowing in Paradise: the hidden ones.” Then he said, “And these two visible rivers are the Nile and the Euphrates.”

After that, I was taken towards the Bait al-Mamur (the frequently visited house). There, I was presented with vessels of wine, milk, and honey. I chose the vessel of milk, and Gabriel said, “This is the instinct that Allah has placed in you and your followers.” Then, I was given the obligation of fifty prayers daily. I returned but on the way, Moses asked, “What has your Lord enjoined on your followers?” I replied, “Fifty prayers.” Moses said, “Go back to your Lord and appeal for a reduction.” I went back, and Allah reduced ten prayers. I returned to Moses, but he repeated the same advice. I went back, and Allah reduced ten more. I came back to Moses, who again advised me to request further reduction. I went back, and Allah reduced ten more prayers. Again, I came to Moses, but he advised me to ask for more reduction. I said, “I feel ashamed to keep asking for reduction.” Then, Moses said, “Your followers cannot bear fifty prayers, and by Allah, I have tested people before you, and I have tried my best with Bani Israel (the Children of Israel), so go back to your Lord and ask for a further reduction.”

I returned and Allah said, “O Muhammad, there are five prayers every day and night. Each of them is equal to ten times what you have been granted before.” I then returned to Moses, and he said, “What has your Lord enjoined upon your followers?” I told him that Allah had made it five prayers. He said, “Go back to your Lord, for your followers will not be able to bear it.” I said, “I have requested so much of my Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied and surrender to Allah’s Order.” When I left, I heard a voice saying, “I have imposed My Order, and have lessened the burden for My worshipers.”



(Mishkat ul Masabih#5862)

The Night Journey (Isra)

2.1 Angel Jibreel’s Appearance

The Night Journey, known as Isra, commences with the awe-inspiring appearance of Angel Jibreel (Gabriel). Jibreel, the celestial messenger, plays a pivotal role in conveying divine revelations to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. On this sacred night, his appearance marks the initiation of a journey that transcends the realms of ordinary human experience.

The presence of Angel Jibreel signifies the divine nature of the Night Journey, as he serves as the intermediary between Allah and His chosen messenger. Jibreel’s appearance sets the stage for the unfolding of extraordinary events, signifying the divine orchestration of this celestial odyssey.

2.2 Riding Buraq to Jerusalem

As the Night Journey unfolds, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is presented with Buraq, a celestial steed renowned for its supernatural speed and majesty. Riding on Buraq, the Prophet ﷺ embarks on a miraculous voyage from Mecca to Jerusalem in the blink of an eye. This extraordinary mode of transportation highlights the divine intervention in facilitating the Night Journey.

Buraq’s significance lies not only in its swiftness but in its role as a symbol of the miraculous occurrences that characterize Shab e Miraj. The journey on Buraq underscores the transcendence of physical limitations, emphasizing the divine nature of the events that unfold during this sacred night.

2.3 Prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Arriving at Jerusalem, the Prophet ﷺ leads a congregation of prophets, including Moses and Jesus, in prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque. This collective act of worship symbolizes the unity of prophethood and the continuity of the divine message across generations.

The prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque also underscores the interconnectedness of the Abrahamic faiths, as the Prophet ﷺ, along with other prophets, stands as a unifying figure in the worship of the One Almighty. This momentous prayer signifies the convergence of spiritual energies and divine guidance, marking a pivotal juncture in the Night Journey.

In essence, the Night Journey’s early stages, featuring Angel Jibreel’s appearance, the celestial journey on Buraq, and the congregational prayer at Al-Aqsa Mosque, collectively depict a sequence of events that transcend the ordinary and illuminate the extraordinary nature of Shab e Miraj.


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Ascension through the Heavens (Miraj)

3.1 Journey Through the Seven Heavens

The Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ continues with the awe-inspiring ascent through the celestial realms, known as the Miraj. This spiritual odyssey involves a transcendent journey through the seven heavens, each layer revealing divine wonders and celestial marvels.

As the Prophet ﷺ ascends through the heavens, the significance of the number seven symbolizes completeness and perfection in the divine realm. Each heavenly layer unfolds unique manifestations of divine beauty, serving as a testament to the boundless nature of Allah’s creation. The journey through the seven heavens underscores the Prophet’s ﷺ exalted status and his proximity to the divine.

3.2 Meetings with Prophets Along the Way

During the ascent through the heavens, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encounters various prophets, including Moses, Jesus, and others. These celestial meetings exemplify the unity of prophethood and the interconnectedness of the divine message across different eras.

The interactions with fellow prophets serve as a profound affirmation of the continuity of the divine mission. Each encounter symbolizes the collective brotherhood of the prophets, emphasizing their shared commitment to delivering Allah’s guidance to humanity. These celestial meetings impart spiritual lessons and affirm the Prophet ﷺ as the seal of prophethood.

3.3 Reaching the Divine Presence

The culmination of the Miraj unfolds as Prophet Muhammad ﷺ reaches the Divine Presence of Allah. This sublime moment marks the apex of the Night Journey, where the Prophet ﷺ stands in the immediate proximity of the Almighty, experiencing a closeness unparalleled in human experience.

In the Divine Presence, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ receives profound revelations and commandments that shape the course of Islamic worship and practice. This intimate communion with Allah exemplifies the extraordinary nature of Shab e Miraj, as the Prophet ﷺ becomes a conduit for divine guidance, bringing back the gift of the five daily prayers.

The Miraj, with its journey through the heavens, celestial encounters, and ultimate presence in front of Allah, serves as a testament to the Prophet’s ﷺ unique status as the Messenger of Allah. It is a journey that transcends the limits of earthly existence, emphasizing the profound connection between the divine and the human. The Night Journey’s celestial chapters reveal the spiritual depth and significance embedded in the heart of Shab e Miraj.

Divine Commands Received

4.1 Initial Commandment of 50 Daily Prayers

In the celestial realm, as Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stood in the Divine Presence, Allah bestowed upon him the initial commandment of fifty daily prayers. This divine directive was a testament to the profound level of devotion and submission expected from the believers. However, recognizing the human capacity, the Prophet ﷺ, through his wisdom, sought a reduction in the number of prayers during a subsequent encounter with Allah.

4.2 Prophet Musa’s Intercession

Upon receiving the initial commandment, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encountered the Prophet Musa (Moses), who advised him to seek a reduction in the number of prayers. Understanding the human limitations, Prophet Musa (AS) empathetically guided Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to appeal to Allah for a more manageable obligation. This interaction underscores the interconnectedness of prophetic missions and the collaborative nature of divine wisdom.

4.3 Final Establishment of Five Daily Prayers

Responding to the counsel of Prophet Musa (AS), Prophet Muhammad ﷺ earnestly supplicated to Allah, resulting in the reduction of the daily prayers from fifty to five. This divine concession exemplifies Allah’s mercy and understanding of human capabilities. The establishment of the five daily prayers became a cornerstone of Islamic worship, symbolizing the balance between spiritual devotion and human capacity.

The final establishment of the five daily prayers signifies a divine gift to the Ummah, providing a practical and attainable means for believers to maintain a consistent connection with Allah throughout their daily lives. This episode in the Night Journey encapsulates the compassionate nature of Allah’s guidance, recognizing the inherent vulnerabilities of humanity while emphasizing the paramount importance of regular prayer in the Islamic faith.

Spiritual Significance

5.1 Strengthening the Bond of Prophet and Allah

The Night of Ascension, Shab e Miraj, holds profound spiritual significance, particularly in strengthening the divine bond between Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Allah. The celestial journey, from Mecca to the heavens, signifies a unique communion where the Prophet ﷺ, as the chosen messenger, experienced an unparalleled closeness to the Almighty.

During this sacred night, the Prophet ﷺ ascended through the celestial realms, reaching a proximity to Allah that transcended the limits of human comprehension. This divine encounter served to deepen the bond between the earthly Prophet and the Divine, reinforcing the intimate connection that underlies the prophetic mission. Shab e Miraj becomes a testament to the special relationship shared between Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Allah, affirming the chosen status of the last messenger.

5.2 Confirmation of Prophethood

Shab e Miraj stands as a celestial affirmation of the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ. The Night Journey, marked by celestial encounters, divine revelations, and the ascent through the heavens, serves as a testament to the authenticity of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ role as the final messenger.

The interactions with Angel Jibreel, the meetings with fellow prophets, and the ultimate presence in the Divine Presence validate the prophetic mission. Shab e Miraj is a divine confirmation, a celestial seal affirming that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the chosen one entrusted with the guidance for all of humanity. The Night Journey becomes a celestial proclamation, resonating through time, confirming the sacred role of the Prophet ﷺ in the unfolding narrative of divine revelation.


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5.3 Emphasis on the Importance of Prayer

A pivotal aspect of Shab e Miraj is the establishment of the five daily prayers. The initial commandment of fifty prayers, followed by the reduction to five after Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ supplication, underscores the paramount importance of prayer in Islam.

This divine prescription for regular and consistent prayer serves as a practical means for believers to maintain a constant connection with Allah. The emphasis on prayer in the aftermath of Shab e Miraj is a spiritual directive, a divine invitation for believers to engage in a ritual that serves as a pillar of Islamic worship. The Night Journey, therefore, not only reinforces the significance of prayer but lays the foundation for a spiritual practice that becomes the heartbeat of a Muslim’s daily life.

In conclusion, the spiritual significance of Shab e Miraj lies in its role as a catalyst for strengthening the bond between Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Allah, confirming the prophetic mission, and emphasizing the centrality of prayer in the life of a believer. This celestial journey is a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, illuminating the path of devotion and submission for generations of believers to follow.

Return to Mecca

6.1 Conclusion of the Celestial Journey

The celestial journey of Shab e Miraj, marked by its awe-inspiring ascension through the heavens, encounters with celestial beings, and the divine audience in Allah’s presence, eventually reaches its conclusion. As Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stands in the Divine Presence, receiving divine revelations and commandments, the celestial odyssey draws to a close.

The conclusion of the celestial journey signifies the fulfillment of a divine encounter that transcends the bounds of ordinary human experience. The Prophet ﷺ, having witnessed the wonders of the heavens and received divine instructions, prepares to return to the earthly realm, bringing with him the celestial gifts bestowed upon him during this extraordinary night.

6.2 Timing and Duration of the Entire Event

The timing and duration of Shab e Miraj hold a mystical significance in the Islamic calendar. While the exact date is not explicitly mentioned in historical records, the Night of Ascension is believed to have occurred during the 12th year of the Prophet’s ﷺ mission. This timing, occurring prior to the migration to Medina, adds a historical context to the event, highlighting its occurrence during a pivotal period in the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The duration of the entire event remains a celestial mystery, as the Night Journey itself unfolded beyond the constraints of earthly time. The rapid ascent through the heavens and the divine encounters happened in a timeless realm, symbolizing the transcendence of mundane temporal boundaries during this extraordinary night.

6.3 Prophet’s Arrival Back in Mecca

Following the celestial encounters and divine revelations, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ returns to Mecca, the sacred city where his prophetic mission commenced. The return to Mecca signifies the integration of the celestial and earthly aspects of the Prophet’s ﷺ mission. Having been chosen as the final messenger and having received the gift of the five daily prayers, the Prophet ﷺ returns to Mecca with a divine mandate to guide and lead the burgeoning Muslim community.

The return to Mecca also sets the stage for the subsequent events in the Prophet’s ﷺ life, including the migration to Medina. Shab e Miraj, with its celestial journey and return, becomes a pivotal moment in the broader narrative of Islamic history, contributing to the unfolding saga of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ prophetic mission.

In essence, the return to Mecca marks the earthly culmination of the celestial journey of Shab e Miraj. The timing, duration, and return to the sacred city infuse this celestial odyssey with historical and spiritual dimensions, making it a cornerstone event in the rich tapestry of Islamic history.

Misconceptions and Clarifications

10.1 Clarifying the Night of Ascension Date

The night of ascension, known as Shab e Miraj, has been a subject of popular discourse, often associating it with the 27th night of the Islamic month of Rajab. However, it is crucial to address the misconception that definitively designates the 27th of Rajab as the night when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ undertook the miraculous journey of Isra and Miraj. Various narrations present conflicting information, with some suggesting the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal and others providing alternative months.

The diversity in these narrations necessitates caution in asserting the specific date of the Night of Ascension. It becomes evident that certainty regarding the exact night of the journey cannot be established due to the variance in historical accounts. Hence, it is not accurate to categorically designate the 27th of Rajab as the night of Shab e Miraj without the support of conclusive evidence.

10.2 Common Misinterpretations

Misinterpretations surrounding Shab e Miraj often arise from a lack of nuanced understanding of historical narratives. One prevalent misinterpretation involves fixating on a specific date, such as the 27th of Rajab, without acknowledging the diversity of accounts within Islamic traditions. It is crucial to recognize that the varied narrations offer alternative perspectives rather than unequivocal precision.

Another misinterpretation involves attributing specific rituals or practices to the Night of Ascension without authentic sources supporting such claims. Islam places a strong emphasis on relying on verified traditions and avoiding the imposition of practices not grounded in authentic sources.

10.3 Importance of Authentic Sources

To dispel misconceptions, it is imperative to highlight the significance of authentic sources in understanding and interpreting Islamic events. Shab e Miraj, being a pivotal event in the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, should be approached with a commitment to authenticity. The reliance on well-documented Hadith collections, such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, ensures a robust foundation for understanding the details of the Night Journey.

Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge from reputable scholars and established Islamic institutions that adhere to the principles of scrutinizing sources for reliability. Emphasizing the importance of authenticated narratives helps to foster a nuanced and accurate understanding of Islamic events, including the Night of Ascension.

In conclusion, addressing misconceptions requires a nuanced approach, acknowledging the diversity of historical accounts, correcting common misinterpretations, and emphasizing the reliance on authentic sources to discern the details of significant events in Islamic history.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is the Night of Ascension (Shab e Miraj)mentioned in the Quran?

The Quran does not explicitly mention the Night of Ascension.

How do Muslims commemorate Shab e Miraj?

After the Night of Ascension(Shab e Miraj), Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed in the world for about 12 years. However, there is no evidence that he gave specific instructions or emphasized celebrating the event. He neither stayed awake on that night nor instructed his companions to do so. The companions, for about a century after his departure, did not specially observe the 27th of Rajab. Therefore, practices not established by the Prophet or his companions should be avoided, as they are considered innovations in the religion.

Are there any historical controversies surrounding the event?

There are no historical controversies, but interpretations may vary.

How does Shab e Miraj influence interfaith dialogue?

Shab-e-Miraj provides an opportunity to share Islamic beliefs and foster understanding.

Why is Shab e Meraj celebrated?

There is no specific celebrated introduced by Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him)

What happened on the night of Miraj?

On the Night of Miraj (Shab e Miraj), the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) undertook a miraculous journey to the heavens.

What to do on Miraj night?

After the Night of Ascension, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed in the world for about 12 years. However, there is no evidence that he gave specific instructions or emphasized celebrating the event. He neither stayed awake on that night nor instructed his companions to do so. The companions, for about a century after his departure, did not specially observe the 27th of Rajab. Therefore, practices not established by the Prophet or his companions should be avoided, as they are considered innovations in the religion.

What are the 3 gifts of Shab e Miraj?

During the miraculous event of Shab-e-Miraj, three significant gifts were bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), as narrated by the companion Abdullah ibn Masoud and documented in Sahih Muslim. These gifts include the establishment of the five daily obligatory prayers, the revelation of the final two verses of surah al-Baqarah (Q 2:285-286), and divine forgiveness for those who do not associate partners with God

How long did Shab e Miraj take?

The exact duration of Miraj is not specified in Islamic texts.

What is the miracle of Shab e Miraj?

The miracle of Miraj includes the Prophet’s night journey and ascension to the heavens.

How to pray on Shab e Miraj?

There is no Specofice Prayers on Shab-e-Miraj found in the life of Prophet PBUH and Companions A.s

Who met Prophet on the 7th heaven?

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met various prophets, including Prophet Moses, on the 7th heaven during Miraj.

What is the meaning of Miraj?

Miraj means “ascension” or “night journey” in Arabic.

Why is Shab e Miraj important?

Miraj is important as it signifies the Prophet’s spiritual journey and closeness to Allah.

Is Shab e Miraj mentioned in the Quran?

The specific event of Shab-e-Meraj is not mentioned in the Quran.

Is Shab e Miraj the night of forgiveness?

no! There no such things are mentioned from Prophet PBUH

Which Prophet is on the 5th sky?

Prophet Aaron (Harun) is believed to be on the 5th sky.

What animal is Buraq?

Buraq is a celestial creature, often described as having the face of a woman and the body of a winged horse.



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